Self Defense
Empower. Protect. Defend.

Individual and Group Lessons
We offer private lessons for individuals and groups. You can customize your private lessons to fit your needs including: the number and length of lessons as well as any specific scenarios or situations you would like to practice. We want you to feel empowered, strong, and capable to handle any situation.
Special Workshop Series
Each year we offer self defense workshops for the community. These workshops give people in our community a chance to learn self defense with others. Working with a variety of people helps prepare you for real-world situations. Keep an eye on our Special Events page for more information on these workshops.
Who should take
Self Defense Classes?
+ Women of all ages
+ Senior Citizens
+ Children
+ Teens
+ Those heading off to college
+ Anyone and Everyone deserves to defend and protect
themselves and their loved ones
Benefits of learning Self Defense
+ To gain self confidence and feel empowered
+ Improve awareness of your self and your surroundings
+ Improve physical and mental health
+ Develop a fighter’s reflex
+ Protect yourself and loved ones